30-Second Guide


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Is this what you want to say?

Verbs 1-10

Verb English
ser to be
tener to have
hacer to do/make
decir to say
ir to go
ver to see
dar to give
saber to know
querer to want
venir to come

Verbs 11-20

Verb English
conseguir to get
pasar to pass
tener que to have to
poner to put
parecer to seem
quedarse to stay
creer to believe
hablar to speak
tomar to take
traer to bring

Verbs 21-30

Verb English
dejar to leave
salir to go out
seguir to follow
encontrar to find
llamar to call
venir to come
pensar to think
volver to return
tomar to take
llamar to call

Verbs 31-40

Verb English
conocer to know
vivir to live
sentir to feel
intentar to try
mirar to look
contar to count
empezar to start
esperar to wait
buscar to search
usar to use

Verbs 41-50

Verb English
trabajar to work
necesitar to need
recordar to remember
ayudar to help
amar to love
llegar to arrive
jugar to play
preguntar to ask
estudiar to study
cambiar to change